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Property manager or social worker?

5 July 2018

As a property manager, you have likely dealt with clients with a range of issues. Unfortunately, understanding how to manage these issues, both professionally and personally, is often not included in your position description or training.

Mental health, domestic violence, financial instability can affect anyone at any time.

FACS + Uniting + you

It can be very distressing to issue a termination notice knowing it will likely result in homelessness. 

For this reason, Family and Community Services (FACS) and Uniting have partnered to deliver a half-day workshop that teaches you how to manage complex tenancies.

As part of this workshop, you will:

  • Gain increased knowledge of what products and services are available for property managers to sustain tenancies and start new tenancies
  • Lean how to increase sustainability for tenants in the private rental market
  • Have a better understanding of mental illness and what products and services are available to support your tenants
  • Learn how to improve access for tenants entering the private rental market
  • Gain three CDP points

While property managers cannot usually make formal connections between a tenant and a service, you can inform your tenant that help is available. With support, the threat of eviction is diminished, benefitting you, your client and the tenant. 

An issue facing your community

Homelessness and rental stress are issues affecting the Central Coast community. This workshop aims to educate property managers on the simple steps they can take to improve housing stability in the region and maintain a high standard of duty of care.  

Workshop details

Tenancy management workshop
Friday, 10 August 2018 | 9am – 12:30pm
Mingara Recreation Club
Mingara Drive, Tumbi Umbi NSW 2261

Enquiries: [email protected] or 0411 262 185